Beyond the Stacks 2024 was a Record-Breaking Success!!

Over $114,000 Raised in Support of Your Library

We Thank Our Sponsors, Patrons, Donors & Attendees

Beyond the Stacks Will Return in 2025

April 5th – 6pm

Anchorage Marriott Downtown

We Hope You Will Join Us!

2024 Tickets & Sponsorship Levels

Bibliophile Sponsor

Bibliophile sponsorship includes special acknowledgment of your contribution in the program and at the event, as well as in Friends of the Library promotions. Up to eight dinner reservations are also available at this level, if requested.

Corporate Sponsor

Corporate sponsorship includes eight reservations for dinner at a table named in your honor and acknowledgment of your contribution in the program, as well as in Friends of the Library promotions. The opportunity for an Alaskan author as your table host is also included.

Book Club/Non-Profit Org/Friends & Family Table – $800

The Club/Non-Profit Org/Friends & Family Tables offer room for eight with the opportunity for an Alaskan author as your host. Your table will be named for your Book Club, Non-Profit organization or Friends/Family group.

Patron Sponsor

Patron sponsorship includes two reservations for dinner and acknowledgment of your contribution in the program and in Friends of the Library promotions. A book signed by an Alaskan author will be your special gift.

Individual Event Ticket
$120 to $130

$120 – Individual Event Ticket: Friends of the Library members
$130 – Individual Event Ticket: Non-members of Friends of the Library (includes 3-month trial membership to FOL)


I can’t attend but I’d like to make a donation to the Friends of the Library.

$50 – Title Level
$100 – Book Shelf Level
$250 – Library Stack Level
$500 – Book Nook Level
$1000 – Reading Room Level

Any amount is welcome!

About Beyond the Stacks

Did you know that Friends of the Library funds essential library programs, such as Summer Learning, Anchorage Reads and special events and programming for children and adults?

By attending Beyond the Stacks, you will help school-age children across the city keep reading throughout the summer to maintain their literacy skills. Plus, with so many exciting auction items, you could walk away with a unique treasure AND benefit the Library you love!

Thanks to generous community members like you, Beyond the Stacks has raised over $800,000 in the last 19 years for books, media and programs.