The Friends of the Library Annual Meeting
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, 5:30 – 8:00 pm
Ann Stevens Room, 3rd Floor – Loussac Library – 3600 Denali Street
5:30 pm: Reception – A time to visit with old and new Friends
6:15 pm: Friends of the Library Annual Meeting
7:00 pm: Featured Program. Friends of the Library Program is open to the Public.
Featured Program:
“A Conversation with the New Administration”
Let’s have a Dialogue about the Anchorage Public Library and its Future.
There are many topics plus your questions too – new director search, new Mayor and staff organization, upcoming changes to the Alaska Room, Downtown Library, the Library as a community center, connecting with other MOA departments, and more…
Organization / Business
*Student – Under 18, Senior – Over 65
Our Goals
- Increase the visibility of the Library
- Add to the Library collection
- Support Library activities and programs
- Advocate for literacy and the Library
The Friends donates approximately $90,000 a year for books, media, funding of the Summer Reading Celebration, Live @ the Library concerts and other library projects. In addition, the Friends have helped build collections at all neighborhood libraries.
Fundraising Activities
- Beyond the Stacks: A fun, festive evening with dinner and auctions in April
- Book Sales: the first weekend in May and the first weekend in November
- Participation in Mitzvah Mall in December each year
Email us at aplfol@gmail.com with comments or questions.
Volunteer for Friends of the Library
- Beyond the Stacks – Join the BTS Organizing Committee or sign up to work the event. Contact Cathy Steen at aplfol@gmail.com.
- Book Sales – Volunteers needed to help price books, to sell books online, to help organize sales or to help distribute books to social service agencies and organizations in the community.
Board of Directors
Mary Rasmussen, President
Denise Yancey, Vice-president
Carol Sturgulewski, Secretary
Barbara Derr / Anna Breuninger, Treasurers
Stuart Burns
Sue Heinz
Sara Nogg Nunez
Margaret Hatty
Contact Details
Friends of the Library
P.O. Box 241325
Anchorage, AK 99524
Email: aplfol@gmail.com
Phone: 907-343-2952
A separate entity from the Public Library, the Friends of the Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Tax I.D. #92-0110295.